4 Things a Plumber in Easton May Not Tell You

by | Aug 19, 2016 | Plumbing

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When someone turns on the tap for hot water, they usually don’t think of its origin. Whether a home has a tankless or a tank heater, its hot water system is at work every time a fixture is turned on. Daily use can take a significant toll on a water heater, resulting in the need for maintenance and eventual replacement. Here are five things for homeowners to know about water heaters that a Plumber in Easton may not share.

A Burst Tank Can Cause Serious Injury and Property Damage

Most tank-style heaters are intended for use in a variety of settings, but they still need regular maintenance and occasional replacement to work at peak efficiency. Without proper care, a tank heater could rupture because of wear and pressure, causing flooding and serious structural damage. Ruptured tanks are a liability for all homeowners to consider, and customers should learn and follow their unit’s maintenance requirements before calling a Plumber in Easton.

A Tankless Water Heater Can Result in Significant Savings

Many homeowners choose tankless heaters for their convenience. An endless supply of hot water is a big selling point, but there’s another important benefit that many people don’t consider: lower utility bills. Tankless units use about 20% less energy than tank models and, over a few years, the savings can pay for the unit and installation.

Tankless Heaters Add Resale Value

A home’s water heater can be a marketing benefit if the homeowner ever decides to relocate. Tankless systems are linked to higher sale prices and increased appeal because of their convenience and energy efficiency. If a person decides to sell the home, its water heating system should be carefully considered. With the right choice, an owner can add significantly to the home’s value.

Water Heaters Need to be Replaced Within 10-20 Years

As convenient as they are, water heaters do not last indefinitely. Over the years, a tank heater can become less safe and efficient as its ability to withstand pressure and heat water diminishes. The average tank heater may last for about 12 years before replacement becomes necessary. However, a tankless unit can last twice as long before its efficiency level decreases.

If a home’s water heater is over a decade old or there are signs of diminished performance, it may indicate that the unit should be replaced. Call Plumbing for advice on unit selection and installation.

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